Thursday, 2 December 2010

close to home

1st December 10, nr Christon Bank, 2pm

Local walk again but every time we walk up to the woods it's like we've never been.

My footsteps are well over welly boot height!

2nd December10, home, 8am

We didn't even leave the garden this morning as Daisy was having a great time running round and we needed to head off to Su's work through the snow again. It's now drifting across the road but is still passable.

To get icicles you need water which suggests there's been a bit of a thaw. Doesn't feel it as it's -1C but at least the cold East wind is fading. The beginning of the end of the cold snap? The MetOffice 5 day forecast says no more snow after today...

Daisy heard the doorbell. First time we've had post for 5 days and Daisy likes the postman - sometimes he has a biscuit!

1 comment:

davegray said...

Hi Andy

I gather you've had a bit of snow !!!!
Still it's great for photographing.
Since i last contacted you, i've set up my own blog:-

I've called it Vale of Belvoir Natural Photography after the course.

Not brilliant but the photography is getting better.

Keep up the good BLOG.

Dave Gray