Saturday 27 June 2015

some dog

27th June 2015, Embleton Bay 7am

Just some dog on some beach somewhere

27th June 2015, Newton Point 6pm

Down the hot, sunny beach with my favourite girls...

Andy Craig Photography

Sunday 21 June 2015

after the rain

21st June 2015, Dunstanburgh 7am

Last night's rain drops lie
Sparkling diamonds in the sun
Their brief chance to shine
Though Seldom noticed
An early bird's passing eye
Sees tiny wonders

the light sparkles on the sea too finding space between the retreating rain clouds

Andy Craig Photography

Saturday 20 June 2015

wildflower paths

20th June 2015, Low Newton 7am

A tour of some of the wild flowers at the back of Lew Newton beach

Bloody Cranesbill


White & Pink Campion

A multitude of grasses

Off the beach a solitary heron fishing.

20th June 2015, Newton Point, 6pm

I've had a composition in my mind for a while. These are the closest I've got to my idea so far...

Andy Craig Photography

Thursday 18 June 2015

a slow summer

9th June 2015, Low Newton 6am

Glassy calm at Low Newton this morning

9th June 2015, Alnwick 12 noon

10th June 2015, Low Newton, 6:30am


Intricate patterns
On the latest trainers
'Inspired by nature' they say
And so it will be
That wind and tide
Will wash away all trace
Of these trainers
And their owners
And soon the trainers
and their 'Nature inspired' patterns
Will be gone too
And the beach will go on
As before

13th June 2015, at home, 7am

17th June 2015, Low Newton 6am

 Multilayered clouds in grey and silver and the subtlest shade of blue

18th June 2015, Newton Point, 5pm

Among the wild flowers of Newton Point

Andy Craig Photography

Sunday 7 June 2015

Lie in?

7th June 2015, Embleton Bay 6am

Up early means we get the beach to ourselves. Why would I want to lie in?

7th June 2015, Howick Bay 4pm

I like Howick Bay. The trees come down to the sea and I like that.

These are iPhone panoramas - great technology.

wind and light

2nd June 2015, Low Newton 6am

Unseasonably powerful wind this morning after a night of heavy rain. We hugged the dunes for shelter.

Dancing in the wind
The spinning grass draws circles
On rain textured sand

3rd June 2015, Cawledge 12 noon

These woods are just 5 mins walk from my work. A nice chance to breath in nature.

5th June 2015. Newton Point, 5pm

6th June 2015, Newton Point, 8pm

A rare chance to enjoy a late evening stroll. The light is opposite to our normal mornings...