Wednesday 30 September 2015

first light

30th September 2015, Low Newton, 6am

first light on the shore 
overhead busy people
fly across the dawn

Walking With Daisy

29th September 2015, Newton Point, 4:30pm

I made a wee film of our dog-walk yesterday...

The music is a mandolin piece of mine called "Lazy Long Dog"

Sunday 27 September 2015

don't mess

27th September 2015, Embleton Bay, 7am

Nature does a fine sunrise but I like mine with added Daisy.

These are all straight out of camera - you don't need to mess with light like this...

Saturday 26 September 2015

orange band

26th September 2015, Dunstanburgh, 7am

From the house the sky looked grey but with the sea as a horizon there was a narrow band of sunrise.

After the dawn faded we sat and watched the ocean.  The kittiwakes have all left the cliffs now and the sea was calm so their was a sense of great peace.

Friday 25 September 2015

as I walked by moonlight

25th September 2015, Howick, 8pm

The moon was bright over a pastel pink sky and we played on the wide empty sand while the light faded.

As we walked home in the gathering dusk, I spotted these two photographers as they were snapping the moonlight on the water.
The image is a bit rough as it's a hand-held phone in the near dark but I think it shows the scene as I saw it quite well and that's what photography's all about.

vote cornwall

25th September 2015, Embleton Bay, 7am

So Northumberland is up for 'Best UK Destination' again.  We came 2nd to Cornwall last time.

"Let's put Northumberland on the map" says the campaign.

Am I wrong to want to preserve this place as a special, all too rare, haven of wildlife, peace and tranquility when these are the very qualities that attract the visitors?

Vote Cornwall I say - let them have the crowds, parking rage, traffic jams and litter.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Memories of rain

22nd September 2015, Newton Point, 5pm

Under a dull, grey sky
The soft rain is given an edge by the breeze.
Back turned it does me no harm
It reminds me of wet mornings in Scotland
The West coast dampness
is part of my soul
and I feel alive

Saturday 19 September 2015

Come and get me

Sometimes,  when it's time to go home, Daisy takes to the sea so I can't get to her.

Friday 18 September 2015

a hole that is here just now

18th September 2015, Howick, 5pm

The hole in the rock at Howick may not last the winter.  Such is nature

Thursday 17 September 2015

it's best early

17th September 2015, Dunstanburgh and Embleton Bay, 8am

A day off and a chance for a leisurely walk although the best light was early.

Wednesday 16 September 2015


16th Sep 15, Low Newton, 6am

This morning me and Daisy shared our walk with friends of four legs and two,  and a few like-minded visitors who perched high in the dunes and awaited the sunrise.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Back to the shore

15th September 15, Football Hole, 4pm

Back to the Northumberland shore after a weekend away

Saturday 12 September 2015

Space to breathe

12th Sep 15, Newton Links, 6am

3 campervans in the car park

Surfers campaign against sewage in the sea but are quite happy to use the dunes as a toilet

Bonny sunrise and space to breathe on the beach

Friday 11 September 2015


10th Sep 2015, Newton Point, 5pm

Standing, staring at the sea in the windy sun

sunrise thoughts

11th September 2015, The Skaith and Embleton Bay, 6am

Early morning quiet,
No wind, calm sea,
Gulls flapping slowly by.

A hint of colour, a pastel shade
Exploding into the brightest orange that nature can provide
Soon the sun broaches the horizon
A dazzling dawn I avert my eyes.

The unchangeable sunrise
Has been beautiful for all of history
And will be forever
Though the colours will fade 
To the blue of morning

Thursday 10 September 2015


10th Sep 2015, Edlingham Crags, 6pm

For once, 
The sun and wind were opposite.
Shelter from one
Gave exposure to the other
We chose calm sunlight
While above us the wind whipped over the crag
Angry as winter on a summer evening

Monday 7 September 2015


7th September 2015, Football Hole, 4:30pm

She looked so proud
To have happily found
Something so smelly
To roll in

She looks aghast
At the very idea
Of washing it off
In the sea

They are but beasts
These dear dear dogs
That share our homes
And our hearts

She forgave me when we played chases afterwards...

Saturday 5 September 2015


5th Sep 15, Football Hole, 7:30 am

A feel of the wild and windy this morning


3rd Sep 2015, Newton Links, 4:30pm

My head was down looking at the patterns in the sand. Then I looked up to see the empty beach stretching all around us. So we played 

Wednesday 2 September 2015