Tuesday 26 February 2019

weird sun

26th Feb 2019, Beadnell Bay, 7am

The sun appeared over the horizon and atmospheric effects distorted it into this weird shape

27th Feb 2019, Football Hole, 10am

I love a run along the beach and today was exceptional for February.  It was 14 C and sunny without being too hot.

Monday 25 February 2019

adding to sunrise

25th Feb 2019, Embleton Bay, 7am

Just in time for the sunrise this morning.

It was nice to photograph the sunrise reflected in the water of The Skaith but for me the best photo was when Daisy wandered into view.

misty moors

24th Feb 2019, Rothbury moors, 10am

It was a sunny day here and there but where we were was mostly misty woods.

Very atmospheric though...

As we walked over the top of one hill we came into bright sunshine but then headed into a bank of mist again.  At the join between the sun and mist was this fine "mist-bow" across our path.

(slightly odd lines in the sky due to this being a phone panoramic shot.)

Friday 22 February 2019


22nd Feb 2019, Embleton Bay, 7:20am

The sunrise started with a watery sun rising out of the sea.

The shape of the clouds around the sun was the highlight for me.

I often say that every sunrise is unique and it's the clouds that make it that way. This morning the clouds beside the sun were in beautiful sweeping shapes.

As I lined up the shot a curlew approached and gave me a sea-level flypast. To me, moments like this make a photograph that bit more special and they're always worth looking out for.

The morning brightened as the sun rose clear of the mist and the beach was beautifully bright for a while

After an hour of warm sun all the talk among the early dog-walkers was of spring sunshine.  But suddenly the sun disappeared into heavier cloud and the temperature dropped markedly.  It was like a promising spring day had changed back to winter.

mad march hares

21st Feb 2019, Christon Bank, 3pm

There are springtime hares all over the fields round here now. Daisy is allowed to watch but firmly on the lead.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

moon setting

20th Feb 2019, Embleton, 7:15am

We just caught the full moon through a gap in the clouds close to setting this morning.

This is a 'supermoon' which means it's a just few percent bigger than an average moon but not noticeably different from any other full moon - all of which are wonderful to see.

Tuesday 19 February 2019


19th Feb 2019, Embleton Bay, 7:30am

As I climbed to the top of the dune, my view of sunrise was blocked by the hairy shape of Daisy...

19th Feb 2019, Bamburgh, 10am

I love my guided walks around Bamburgh.  The castle alternated between looking grand in the sun and moody against the clouds.

Monday 18 February 2019

brief shadows

 18th Feb 2019, Howick, 7:30am

Gentle waves and soft morning light.

Suddenly the sun found a gap in the clouds and, for about a minute, we were lit up in warm sunshine

Sunday 17 February 2019

friends in high places

17th Feb 2019, Embleton Bay, 7:30am

This morning we were with friends up on top of the dunes.

 ...and down on the beach.

Saturday 16 February 2019

beach window

16th Feb 2019, Embleton Bay, 7:30am

A grey morning is reflected
In the sleeping windows
Of a hibernating beach bungalow.
This winter view
Is never seen by the owners
But soon enough
The huts will spring back into life
And the view from this window
Will be sunny and bright.

One of my regular fellow beach dog-walkers

16th Feb 2019, Embleton Bay, 10am

This morning I was leading a walk for a really nice wee group of folk from The Natural History Society of Northumbria along Embleton Bay.

We had lots of weather - a warm sun with a chilly wind,
A bright sun in a blue sky with beautiful clouds.

There is no such thing as "just a cloudy day" in #Northumberland

Friday 15 February 2019


15th Feb 2019, Embleton Bay, 8am

Dawn light on whinstone.

15th Feb 2019, Dunstanburgh, 11am

A variation on a theme....

Thursday 14 February 2019


14th Feb 2019, Howick shore, 7:30am

A beautifully peaceful dog walk today.

I like to make these little ships when I can find the bits I need.

I left this one on the beach for someone to find.