Monday 31 January 2011

down the road

31st January11, Christon Bank, 8am

Out through the woods and back by the road. No podcast this morning as the bird song was worth listening to. Still a heavy frost and the road was icy.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Sunday 30 January 2011

island excursion

30th January11, Holy Island, 3pm

At this time of year Holy Island can be bleak and it was freezing compared to the mainland today.

Navigation Marker at Emmanuel Head.

Fossilised coral. Rocks like this were all over the beach. Each circle here is a cross section of a long strand of coral and is about 2mm across.

A different view of the castle from this side.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

stillness and symmetry

30th January11, Football Hole, 8am

Not a breath of wind and the sun was a golden glow in the distant clouds. A beautiful morning for a walk and a beautiful morning for photography.

In amongst all the photos we found time to have a play with the ball. This is Daisy's new "ready to pounce" position..

This flooded pool was so calm that the scabby stems looked perfect in their stillness and symmetry. Daisy decided that the photo would look better with some ripples added so she duly obliged. Maybe she was right...

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Saturday 29 January 2011

The Trees

29th January11, Christon Bank, 8am

A quick early walk round the woods. A lovely morning with the dawn sky and crescent moon.

29th January11, around Rothbury, 11am

It was such a beautiful, blue day that we headed inland for a proper walk with hills and trees. I need a break from the coast now and again.

The low sun was very inspiring; whether shooting into the light or away, there were photographs to be had at every turn. Now that I review them, they all feature trees somehow.

An appropriate subject for the week when our government announced its plans to sell off England's forests to the highest bidder. By all accounts Maggie Thatcher thought this was too controversial a step and was pushing privatisation too far! It's all about trust. Can we believe the govt. that there will be safeguards and access rights or will private industry laugh up its sleeve as soon as they get hold of the land?

Daisy likes woods because of the free sticks on offer.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Friday 28 January 2011

Tired Out

28th January11, Newton Links, 3pm

A grey kind of a day and I was drawn to the sand patterns and the symmetry of the view out to sea. When I got home it seemed right to have them both in a grainy, high contrast black and white.

Daisy met 2 "sprollies" Cocker spaniel/collie crosses. Lovely, playful, friendly dogs; one looked almost, but not quite entirely, like a collie and one almost, but not quite entirely, like a spaniel. After a good play and run about Daisy was tired out. She still came down to see what I was photographing and to ask if she might contribute in any way.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Thursday 27 January 2011


27th January11, Newton Point, 2pm

Daisy started yesterday with a raging temperature (104 F), dark pink gums, panting breath and heart racing. Off to the vets we went and came home with antibiotics injected and more to take at home.

Fast forward 24 hours and it's like nothing ever happened with our bouncy, happy pup returned to us...we're just £100 poorer!

Because You're Worth It.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Tuesday 25 January 2011

busy or not

25th January11, Alnmouth, 8am

It seems ages since we were in Alnmouth. It's a beautiful spot but always a bit busier than our home patch. Admittedly it doesn't look busy here.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Monday 24 January 2011

dawn of convenience

24th January11, Low Newton, 8am

This is a great time of year as we can have a leisurely breakfast, pitch up at the beach and the sun is just starting to breach the horizon.

I've not seen rays of sunlight quite like this before.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Friday 21 January 2011

dog with a view

21st January11, Low Newton, 3pm

Another beautiful day thanks to a friendly area of high pressure sitting over us. Up on top of the little whinstone crag on Newton Point our sighthound had a fine vantage point to scan her surroundings. Her coat is growing nicely and getting shaggier by the week but it means that her shaved patch from the op can't catch up so it's still quite obvious.

Spring high tide means no discernible beach around the edge of Embleton Bay.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Thursday 20 January 2011

naughty but nice

20th January11, Embleton Bay, 8am

Back to the same spot but in time for sunrise. Daisy was very naughty; running off to play with other dogs despite my shouting her back. Eventually she came back on command which meant I couldn't chastise her (as dogs only remember their last action, not something they may have done 5 minutes before) Instead we went home and I didn't speak to her all the way back. She knew she was in the bad books!

20th January11, Low Newton, 1pm

It was such a nice day with warmth in the sun so we went out early to catch some rays. Not much of a tan seeing as it's close to freezing and only a small part of my face was exposed to the elements.

Daisy behaved perfectly. A lesson learned or a coincidence?

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life


20th January11, Embleton Bay, 05:30 am

A very early start this morning as the full moon was bright and intriguing. I wanted to see what the beach looked like by the light of the moon so I left Daisy asleep and headed off.

Unusually for me I was armed with an SLR and tripod as these were tricky photographic conditions. I used a 30 second exposure for these shots which means that the movement of the stars and Venus through the sky is apparent by a slight elongation of their shape. It's also interesting to see the true colours of the different stars.

The long exposure generates a lot of 'noise' which for me slightly spoils the look of the photographs. Once back home I found a function to reduce noise during long exposures but you have to use that when you take the picture, not once you're home. It's not a function that I've ever needed during a wedding(!) and this trip was a spontaneous idea this morning so today's lessons are: 1. Know your equipment, 2. plan in advance so that you know the best set up to use for the shot you want, 3. practice makes perfect.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Wednesday 19 January 2011


19th January11, Embleton Quarry, 4pm

Spiky dog in the spiky bushes.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

flying Daisy

19th January11, Newton Links, 8am

A beautiful morning. Gorgeous light, low tide and the beach all to ourselves.

This morning's fly past was a bit quieter than yesterday's...

Daisy was fleein' about the beach after her ball...

And flies through the air with every stride.

Contemplating the peace of dawn or looking for mischief??

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Tuesday 18 January 2011

flying or not

18th January11, Embleton Bay - Howick Coast, 9am-4pm

A great training workshop with Serena & Nick on a very well chosen day!

Nick gets up close to the sand close to sunrise.

The boys from Boulmer gave us an informal flypast to liven up the view.

This crow wasn't for flying today. He sat giving us the beady eye until eventually he flew a few feet away with a disparaging "caw"

An interesting new angle on the castle view.

Back to Howick for sundown at 3pm and a chance to enjoy the last rays of afternoon light.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life

Monday 17 January 2011

moon & sun

17th January11, Howick Coast, 3pm

The setting sun in one direction and the rising moon in the other - a beautiful afternoon just got better and better as we wandered along the Howick shore.

Northumberland Photo Training - Teaching the Art of Natural Photography
andy craig photography - Family Portraits and Wedding Photography - Dog Photography's a dog's life