Friday 28 August 2009

harvest time

27th August09, Rock village, 4pm

There is a school in Rock and I suspect this sign is something to do with the kids.

A much drier harvest than last year when lots of the cereal crops were lying broken, bedraggled and unharvestable in the fields.

28th August09, Howick, 8am

Interesting light (as usual around these parts) on the sheletered cove at Howick.

Thursday 27 August 2009

after the storm

We'd all been warned about "Hurricane Bill" passing over the UK yesterday but it was a bit of a damp squib. Anyway the sun was back this morning.

27th August09, High Newton, 8am

This, I think, is perennial sow-thistle. So called as the milky sap was believed to be good for a sow's milk production so was fed to pigs. They're covering the dunes right now.

A Small White butterfly breakfasting on the thistle's dandelion like flower head. Also known as the cabbage white, but doing no-one's cabbages any harm here.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

swimming pool

25th August09, Embleton Bay, 8am

At high tide, especially a spring tide, the mouth of the Embleton Burn fills up into a fine pool. It's often picturesque and Trooper is fond of a swim here away from the waves.

Not a specimen I recognise so I shall name him Fishus Plasticus

comings and goings

A very busy weekend with two weddings and a craft fair. I met some lovely folk who tune into my blog regularly so hello to you and sorry for the couple of days gap!

21st August09, High Newton, 6pm

A fine stone circle made presumably by a visitor (locals don't have time for such artistic endeavours!).

Not all crab shells represent a dead crab as they shed their shells when "L" is a bit tight and it's time to go "XL". know the feeling.

This represents something that has shed its mortal coil without any doubt.

22nd August09, Low Newton, 8am

24th August09, High Newton/Football Hole, 8am

The sea was so bright that the sky took on this dark quality more in the photograph than in reality.

This barefootin' individual didn't know if they were coming or going (or dancing)

Thursday 20 August 2009

whispering grass

20th August09, Embleton Bay, 8am

A windy morning with a rainstorm on the way. For the moment there were lovely wispy clouds (these high clouds are blown ahead of the main rain system so are harbingers of bad weather to come.)

The wind was blowing away the sound of the sea to be replaced by the white noise of the grass whipping around.

Monday 17 August 2009

The parting of the clouds

Today was punctuated with heavy showers but as the evening wore on the clouds parted and broke up finally heading off to annoy the Scandinavians.

17th August09, Low Newton, 7pm

Hermit Crab. He disappeared into his shell when I dunked the camera in the pool but soon came back out. Obviously as impressed with the new gadget as I am...

Another Beadlet Anenome

Lovely little starfish found not by us but by a young chap who was doing a great job hunting out the local wildlife. A poor quality photo but such a nice find I left it in.

In the meantime, there was lovely light "topside" too.

Back to Earth

15th August09, Howick Bay, 6pm

A slightly new part of the coast on a lovely evening. I love to go as far out as possible at low tide - the shore looks like it's a long way back and the life on the rocks is different.

A strange other-worldly landscape this far out.

Su had the amphibious camera and was boldly going, seeking out new life, new civilisations where no woman (with an underwater camera) had gone before.

Meanwhile I lay on the warm rocks and dozed until Trooper got bored and towered over me to wake me up.

This wee limpet has found a good spot but doesn't have a lot of room to grow.

Friday 14 August 2009

journey into the unknown

We bought an underwater camera (Canon D10 if you wish to know) and immediately it arrived we headed to the rockpools. Low tide was a bonus.

What Fun!

15th August09, High Newton, 4pm

Coralweed, not a coral but a calciferous seaweed

Beadlet anenomes

and now for something completely different...

13th August09, St Mary's Church, Newton-by-the-sea 7:30pm

A bit of a change to my normal blog entries.

Local musicians, Andrew and Margaret Watchorn played a concert of traditional music in Newton Church last night.

I took a few photos and have set them to "Moorbridge Hornpipe" from their album Lecchemede.

Thursday 13 August 2009

You Will Obey

The landscape photography wizards will tell you that you Must seek a bit of beach with no footprints and you Must seek a person with a red coat to complement the composition.

What rubbish. I'll take pictures as I see them thank you very much and if they break your rules or follow your rules I really don't care.

12th August09, High Newton, 8am

12th August09, High Newton, 4pm

Tuesday 11 August 2009

little triangles of light

11th August09, Embleton Bay, 8am

The sea was very sparkly, it was a fine day and there were no other dogs. Consequently, I was somewhat delayed getting to sit at my desk this morning.

Monday 10 August 2009

180 degrees of weather

Last night we found a quiet bit of beach despite the crowds elsewhere. Eagle eyed as ever, Su found a Cowrie shell and Trooper had a good old swim.

9th August09, nr Howick, 7pm

The rain came from the East and eventually went off to the West. When I got to the beach there was a stark difference in the sky east and West.

10th August09, High Newton, 4pm

Sunday 9 August 2009

hidden colours

A lovely morning, but even at 8am on a Sunday there were a dozen cars in the wee car park. The school holidays are ever thus. The seascapes are blue and gray and you have to look up close for the colours of the shore.

9th August09, High Newton, 8am

Saturday 8 August 2009

the long and winding road

7th Aug09, Beadnell, 3pm

As the spring tide came in relentlessly, Beadnell Beach got busier and busier as the area of available sand contracted. 100's of Canutes had to give up in the end. How I managed to get no-one else in this picture I don't know! Despite the peaceful appearance of the photograph, our friend's daughter was in a terrible, dark mood; stomping through the waves so she didn't have to walk on the same beach as us.

8th Aug09, Low Newton, 7am

Up early as soon as I saw the sun. Early means cool, quiet beaches bathed in beautiful light denied to the crowds later today.

I was listening to (yet another) moon related podcast when I noticed the waning gibbous hanging out over the pub. This is one of the best pubs in the world where you can sit in a cosy bar in the winter and outside looking over the beach in the summer. I play at the folk sessions here once a month and have a token pint of their real ale that they brew on-site.

...and this is pretty much the view from the pub.

This wee snail must have been making heavy progress through the sand to make such a prominent track. I hope it was worth the effort to get from here to there.