Saturday, 28 October 2017

wider view

27th October 2017, Football Hole, 5pm

The sun was sinking in the West but there was beautiful pastel colours to the East. I liked the normal photograph well enough but decided the view would benefit from a bit of a panorama.

I've always loved panoramas but to do this back in the day I used to take several photographs trying to keep the camera level and overlapping, I waited for the prints to come back from the lab and then sellotaped them together. The capability of today's phones is amazing and artistically inspiring.

28th October 2017, Embleton Bay, 8am

Up high above the world for a view and a lungful of air.

28th October 2017, Newton Point, 5pm

On our way home with Daisy leading the way.  She'd eaten seaweed and had been sick so she wanted to get home (for her dinner!)
I however wanted to hang about and photograph the beautiful sunset.

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