Tuesday 4 June 2013

Mist and Sun

A fine morning's photography with Wendy and Susan's PhotoTrail.

4th June 2013, Low Newton, 9am

It started with a thick sea fret but after that burned away it was warm and sunny...

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andy craig photography - Weddings, Kids, Music, Dogs, Creative Photography, Photo Training


wendy said...

if anyone is not sure about there photo abilatey and would like to improve or just learn more this is the guy to inspire you. had a fantastic morning with andy and sue,and now have a new found love of photos thanks andy.......
best wishes wendy

you-wee because said...

Finally summer arrived in Britain as well! Enjoy a great and sunny weekend, Andy!
We are enjoying sunshine and mild temperatures as well in our part of plantet Earth after we had such a wet and cold May!