Thursday, 21 January 2010

have you heard the redshank cry?

21st Jan10, Embleton Bay, 8am

A bleak old morning on the beach. Two groups of birds stood one either side of the mouth of the Embleton burn. Like opposing forces drawn up in conflict over a strategic river the redshanks on the N shore and the oyster catchers on the other. In fact there was no rough stuff they just stood their ground and preened, pecked and prodded; hunched against the wind.

I came across some nice words on the Redshank:

"A cry half challenge, half lament, the very spirit of the estuary, of a life that chances and changes with wind and tide" Eric Parker in English Wildlife

21st Jan10, Christon Bank, 3pm

A very pleasant late winter afternoon. The sun setting without much drama, the wind dying away for the evening. It was as if the trees had packed up for the day, knocking off a bit early and leaving dark two dimensional outlines to see the night through.

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