Tuesday, 22 June 2010


22nd June10, Embleton Bay, 8am

Now that's a bad golf shot. This ball was where it shouldn't have been.

A beautiful "longest day" (near enough) and I had time to wander right up to the castle snapping as I went. At this time of year the sun is high even by 8 am and the contrast is intense. Not the best conditions for photography in a traditional landscape sense but there's a story to be told...

There are those as like to construct stone towers on the beach. Getting the balance right can be very absorbing and I believe it's a bit of a Zen thing.

Even when dry, the black dolerite boulders reflect a lot of light and appear shiny. The hard rock wears to a very smooth surface over the millenia. The very bright rocks contrast starkly with the dark shadows and reveal lovely textures in this direct sunlight.

Back to the golf theme that started today's journey. It's a pretty good location for a green.

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