7th September 24, Rothbury, 8am
Another misty day but this time I headed into the mist to see what I could see.
Under the mist it felt very autumn but it was warm enough to still be summer.
7th September 24, Rothbury, 8am
Another misty day but this time I headed into the mist to see what I could see.
Under the mist it felt very autumn but it was warm enough to still be summer.
6th September 24, Warkworth, 7:30am
After an early run to the airport, I was up nice and early for a change
It was misty everywhere but I took a gamble that the mist might burn off at the sea first.
Lucky guess!
30th Aug 24, Howick, 12 noon
It was a beautiful day for a run along the Howick path but it wasn't the sort of light I normally favour for photography.
At the end of the run I sat, and then lay, on the rocks enjoying the peaceful lapping of the very quiet sea. This photograph was there waiting for me.
17th Aug 24, Farnes, 7pm
A sunset cruise without much of a sunset and no puffins or guillemots left now. Gannets galore, one tern and plenty of seals.
15th August 24, Rothbury, 10am
Throughout my Scottish schooldays August signalled the end of summer and it still has that feel.
Today brings us rain after many pleasant sunny days. The forecast says summer will return but there's an autumnal feel to this damp August day with berries appearing and rusting vegetation slumped under the raindrops.
3rd August 2024, Rothbury, 9am
High among the bonny heather coming into full bloom