Today's sunrise was 8:07 BST, tomorrow the sunrise will be 7:09 GMT
Last night's sunset was so beautiful and the joy of a high pressure system is that not much changes from day to day. So when I saw similar clouds in the half light of 7am and I figured it would be a nice sunrise.
We walked up the back of the dunes keeping an eye over my shoulder to see what was developing. We just nicely reached the Long Nanny river and turned back South in time for the rising sun (still hidden) to start lighting the clouds from beneath the horizon.
After hanging about a bit near the sand patterns we headed on down the beach. Daisy is not impressed by sunrises and prefers the pre-dawn half light. she wanted to play.
To the North was a rainbow. The first time I've seen a rainbow before the sun was above the horizon.
And here it comes...
Some will call me a killjoy but Glyn Hopkin, a car sales company in SE England has released this helium balloon which has ended up as litter on our beach. How many ended up choking sea animals? How much blood is on their hands? I tweeted this picture as part of the Marine Conservation Society's campaign to ban balloon releases in the UK. I'm pleased to say they are illegal in many counties already including Northumberland County Council.
![Andy Craig Photography](
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