Tuesday, 28 August 2012

cultivated or wild?

27th Aug12, Glendale Show, 1pm

Our first visit to the agricultural show near Wooler and it was great fun even in the rain!
A few shots from the cut flower competition...

28th Aug12, Newton Links, 8am
From beautiful flowers to beautiful wild things. A common stinging nettle with the sun behind it.

A typical walk for Daisy. Some fun and games...
a rest to cool the feet...
then fun and games again...(spot the ball anyone?)

New Gallery Now Open: 33 Fenkle St, Alnwick.  Drop by and say Hello...

andy craig photography - Weddings, Kids, Music, Dogs, Creative Photography, Photo Training


paul said...

above the greenery between the dunes & Beadnel.

Andy Craig Photography said...

Well spotted! No prizes I'm afraid. A.