Tuesday, 10 November 2020

dewdrop stories

 10th November 2020, Buston, 7am

A single dewdrop. 

Water that at one time 

Was part of the ocean 

And rain, and blood, and cloud 

And one day it will be again

It was a grey, misty morning there wasn't much colour to be seen. But then our meandering path took us up into the dunes and the grass seemed to be extra-bright green and yellow because of the lack of colour elsewhere. 

If this had been a colourful sunrise morning I wouldn't have seen the colour in the grass at all. If anything it would be silhouetted as shadows. 

On some mornings it's all too easy to walk by and dismiss the world as 'grey' when there is in fact colour all around us if we take the time to see.

I do appreciate it when people take the time to leave art behind them on the sand.

10th November 2020, Warkworth, 4pm

After the grey start, a beautiful blue afternoon...

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