Wednesday, 22 December 2010


22nd December10, Christon Bank, 2pm

We're not venturing far due to the weather in part but also there's a spring high tide around lunchtime so there's not much beach to play with.

The snow returned in showers today.

As the last shower retreated to the South West a mist arose, swirling around the sheep. Poor old sheep; they aren't finding much to eat and the last thing they need is to be enveloped in a freezing fog!

Another shower sits heavily out to sea heading for poor old Morpeth which has had more than its share of this weather.


Paul said...

Love those dramatic cloudscapes although I'm sure the sheep aren't impressed.

you-wee because said...

Hi Andy,

this year's winter seems to be really something special - in Northumberland as well as in my part of planet Earth. I cannot remember when we've had so much and so early snow from end of November until now.

In comparison to the sheep you can warm up yourself after a walk through the winter scenery. The sheep just can rehash the hay they have in their stomachs...
...perhaps you can take a bucketful Glühwein / mulled wine for them on your next walk along their field...??? ;-)

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Perhaps I will sometimes find my way to Northumberland to participate in one of your photo trainings??? You never know...

Regards, Uwe.

SC said...

Sheep in the fog are very striking Andy.

Been a great winter for taking photos. Until now, that is, unless you can see beauty in great bergs of dirty snow piled up between the car-parking spaces...

Happy New Year!