Saturday 8 August 2009

the long and winding road

7th Aug09, Beadnell, 3pm

As the spring tide came in relentlessly, Beadnell Beach got busier and busier as the area of available sand contracted. 100's of Canutes had to give up in the end. How I managed to get no-one else in this picture I don't know! Despite the peaceful appearance of the photograph, our friend's daughter was in a terrible, dark mood; stomping through the waves so she didn't have to walk on the same beach as us.

8th Aug09, Low Newton, 7am

Up early as soon as I saw the sun. Early means cool, quiet beaches bathed in beautiful light denied to the crowds later today.

I was listening to (yet another) moon related podcast when I noticed the waning gibbous hanging out over the pub. This is one of the best pubs in the world where you can sit in a cosy bar in the winter and outside looking over the beach in the summer. I play at the folk sessions here once a month and have a token pint of their real ale that they brew on-site.

...and this is pretty much the view from the pub.

This wee snail must have been making heavy progress through the sand to make such a prominent track. I hope it was worth the effort to get from here to there.

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